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Adam Rosen

Adam Rosen, a workers’ compensation lawyer in NY at Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen, P.C., has extensive knowledge in workers’ compensation law and always wants to learn more so that he can better assist those who need help filing for workers’ comp. Adam works on weekdays in the Brooklyn and Bronx offices, but also makes sure to volunteer and share his knowledge of workers’ compensation law by lecturing at union meetings, churches, local community centers, and the like. He is passionate about what he does and wants people to take their power back by knowing the facts behind workers’ compensation.

Adam gives back by being the Chairman of the Workers’ Compensation Committee of the Nassau County Bar Association. He is also an active member of the Injured Workers Bar Association and enjoys discussing all matters related to workers’ comp with other lawyers so that they can best protect vulnerable workers from any injuries they may have sustained at work. He believes that a workplace should take care of their employees and that if someone is injured on the job that they deserve compensation. This is why Adam spends so much of his free time outside of work dedicated to his practice and to helping others.

Adam has decades of experience in the law field and graduated from Hofstra Law School in 1995. Shortly after, he became a partner at Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen, P.C. in 2000. He has always been passionate about workers’ compensation and has practiced in this area of the law throughout his entire career. Adam plans to continue doing so and keep finding ways to continue to learn and grow in his practice. This is all so that he can make a difference in the lives of others, as it is incredibly difficult to take care of a family if workers’ compensation is not given when it should be.

Title: The Basics of Workers’ Compensation
Recorded: 6/2021

Title: Schedule of Loss of Use Awards in Workers Compensation Claims
Recorded: 10/2021

Title: How PSR Can Help UPSEU Workers
Recorded: 5/2023

Title: Occupational Hearing Loss
Recorded: 1/2024

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